Her Etchings
2 min readApr 2, 2021



“I need some time alone with you”- Me speaking into My Twenties

Lately I have been taking a few trips back in time to different periods during my twenties to have an encounter with myself.

After returning from my trance travels I came to the following quick summaries to describe each stage of my twenties:

EARLY TWENTIES- Cringy, A Socially Awkward Fraud with a few shots of “I’m Insecure” to share with everyone

MID-TWENTIES- In need of healing…can I get a healer? Or a bell hop? This baggage is a little excessive.

LATE-TWENTIES- What happened to everyone? What happened to me? Where’s all my stuff?

As I am leaning in the doorway staring inward at what was going to be my old home, my eyes wander in disbelief at the space whose 10 year lease was coming to an end. In preparation for my new move I feel like its important for me to reflect and accept. What I mean by reflecting and accepting is going through the mental process and emotional feelings involved in any major event that impacted my twenties. That part for me is the reflection. I of course do not want to ignite a flood of tears only, which is why the acceptance part aids in coming to terms with the reality that the experience and emotions felt shall rest in peace in my twenties.

As someone who journals, I have been able to document: tales of “falling into deep like”, climbing mount “are you ever going to get out of debt”, speaking up-no wait I can’t cause that’s rude-no its my truth, excessive rain-why was I always crying and the walk towards the sun-am I going the wrong way cause I’ve never been here before. These are a few of the areas I will be reflecting on as I approach my thirties because although I knew the lease was up in 10 years…I still can’t believe its over.



Her Etchings

Laugh with me, Reminisce with me, Emote with me